Grand Strategy and the Rise of China
Price : £19.99 & postage in UK £2.50 (or free collection)
Availability : In Stock

Published Date :
Published By Agenda
ISBN : 9781788216029
Category : China
Format : Paperback
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During four decades of fast-paced economic growth, China's ascent has reverberated across the full social spectrum, from international relations to technology, from trade to global health, from academia to climate change. Despite disrupting the long-established cultural and political constructs of the postwar liberal international order, Beijing's power remains uneven and limited internationally, whereas the rise of China has been the object of much frenzied reaction within Western civil society. The hostility and new cold war with the United States is a major factor in fuelling debate and speculation.

This book explores the uncertainties and dilemmas China's rise has fuelled for both the US-sponsored liberal order and the Chinese communist elites that are responsible. It provides the tools to understand the contemporary political and media turmoil about China, its causes and its trajectories. It interprets the rise of China through the lenses of global politics and the uneven and combined development of capitalism and its encounter with the authoritarian, one-party system of the Chinese polity.

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