Revolution Is The Choice Of The People: Crisis and Revolt in the Middle East & North Africa
Price : £12.00 & postage in UK £2.50 (or free collection)
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Published By Bookmarks Publications
ISBN : 9781914143106
Category : Middle East
Format : Paperback
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MORE THAN TEN YEARS on from the Egyptian

revolution of January 2011, Anne

Alexander looks at the great wave of

revolts that have shaken the region in

the decade since, examining the political

economy of the Middle East, the nature

of the regimes and the factors which

shaped the upheavals.

Using a Marxist analysis, she

examines the fate of those revolts, the

emergence of counter-revolutionary

forces and the potential for renewed

uprisings and more far-reaching change

in the years ahead.

‘Anne Alexander’s book provides an in-depth account of the power structures and popular resistance in the Middle East. A must read for activists, academics and anyone who’s interested in the region’s history and future.’ 

Hossam el-Hamalawy

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